Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Great way to organize your week and plan your dinners!

It's Tuesday again and I have something awesome to share. Do you ever wake up and say to yourself "today I need to ..." and then they day ends and you wake up the next morning and say they same thing again about the same task? I know I do. We have great intentions to get things done but get overloaded with the amount of things to get done and we usually end up doing less than we wanted. I work best with lists so I created a weekly task manager chart (it would work for a child's task chart too). I've taken all the major tasks that I need to get done... or have high hopes of getting done ... and broken them up over the week. Some are my tasks and some are my husbands. And let's be honest... not everything gets done BUT I can say since I've implemented this (2 weeks ago) I've been pretty darn successful. An even bigger bonus is that my husband checks the chart as well and asks what hasn't gotten done and helps.... yes, I have an AMAZING hubby! You wouldn't think you needed to schedule things like checking the mail but damned if I don't forget EVERY day to do it and a week or two will go by and then it is SUPER full!!! If you are interested in making one yourself email me for my template .. jessie.hood.3@gmail.com. Or I will make you one and laminate it for $5.00. Just email me what you want on each day. I use WET erase markers over dry erase markers because they have a finer tip making it easier to erase. 

The next project I just completed was a weekly dinner planner. I made a list of dinners I typically make or would like to make. Then I added things like "Lance's Choice", "Pinterest", "leftovers", etc. I bought this magnetic weekly calender from Bed, Bath, & Beyond (about $10 - and you can use a coupon) that also had a cork board on the bottom. I created a template in word with squares of all of the meal ideas. I then printed, cut out, laminated and attached magnets to the back (magnets 52 for about $6 at walmart). I bought a square magnet board to put above the weekly calendar to hold all the meal ideas. On Sunday I plan out the meals for the week. If there is something I wanna do that I don't have a card there are blank ones you can write on. For tonight's dinner, Tuesday, you can see we had a Pot Roast. This was a new recipe for me and one that I got from Pinterest. So on sunday, when I was planning my meals I chose the "Pinterest" card because I knew Tuesday was going to be a meal I got off pinterest. Then, when I decided what I wanted to make I switched the cards. On the bottom where the cork board is I pin my fast food / restaurant coupons, restuarant.com discounts, and I clip up my gift cards too. Yes, keeping those in your wallet are handy but this way when I'm planning meals I might decide we are going out one night if we have a coupon or gift card. Modified - you could make this on a cork board with push pins. Once again, if you wanna do this for yourself email me for the template. If you want me to make the cards for you I will and laminate them for $15. If you want the magnets on the back it will be $20. You just need to email me a list of dinners you'd like. 

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