Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What is this blog all about??

Two years ago I decided to start a crafting and organizing blog. I posted a few times but didn't keep up with it. This time will be different! I have so many ideas and crafts that I want to share with my friends, family and the world! While googling the internet, looking for my old blog, I came across a video called "Most Organized Home in America". Naturally, I couldn't wait to watch it. This woman has a small space that she has organized in an awesome way. Even more cool .... well to me anyway .... is that 80% of her organizing ideas are ones that I have already done in my home ... so you could say that I have one of the most organized homes in America.Check out her video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoC83JhkCAw

Lastly, this blog is meant to be an avenue for me to share my ideas. Please don't expect me to be witty or grammatically correct ... lol ... I'm a math teacher ;-)

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